"With this step we make it a little easier for our customers, digital design and construction is a little closer"
Jongeneel is one of the oldest (founded in 1797) and largest (42 branches) wholesalers in wood, sheet and building materials in the Netherlands. The company is fully committed to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and therefore decided to be the first in its industry to make the product data available digitally.
With the support of consultancy BIMpartners, Cadac installed a plug-in called Content Library Access Button (CLAB). This allows architects, modellers and contractors to consult Jongeneel's library via Autodesk Revit .
Going live CLAB
At the beginning of this year, the library of Jongeneel went live. Hedy van Opzeeland, manager at Jongeneel and BIM project coordinator, then did not know what hit her. "I was called flat," she says. "By our own account managers and customers. We know very well that the market is working on digitisation, the construction industry feels the urgency of the switch to BIM.
With this step we make it a little easier for our customers, digital design and construction comes a little closer. But that we would get so many positive reactions surprised us. "
Together with BIMpartners and Cadac, we invested a lot of time in it, entered a lot of data. Of course, it is most convenient if our suppliers deliver their product data digitally, so that we can put the products one-to-one in our database.
Hedy van Opzeeland
Project Coordinator BIM - Jongeneel
It looks simple on the Jongeneel website. Via the BIM tab, the visitor downloads a free plug-in and voilà, the complete Jongeneel product range is available digitally. Including all associated data and, if desired, Jongeneel provides a detailed material list. "Not everything is available yet," corrects Hedy van Opzeeland, "but we have made a good start with about 4000 products at the moment. There will be many more in the near future.
Building and digitising such a library is an intensive and time-consuming job. Together with BIMpartners and Cadac, we invested a lot of time in it, entered a lot of data. Of course, it is most convenient if our suppliers deliver their product data digitally, so that we can put the products one-to-one in our database.
Provided that it is supplied according to the ETIM standard , so that information is structured, unambiguous and reusable. In the longer term, we can then easily provide pull-out statements, quotations, prefabs and JIT deliveries. In time, that will certainly happen, we are convinced of that. Our BIM service department can support you in this."
Jongeneel decided in 2017 to make the digital move. Sander Westland, founder and owner of consultancy BIMpartners, was hired to supervise the implementation from Jongeneel. "Jongeneel supports its customers in various areas with BIM," explains Sander Westland.
Jongeneel can already advise during the design phase which products, but above all how products can best be used. This is how the idea quickly arose to deliver the products with the necessary information virtually. After all, a good start is half the battle. Moreover, BIM bears many characteristics of LEAN; That means as little rework as possible in the process."
The assignment was an easily accessible and user-friendly system. "BIM is still in its infancy for many, for many companies it is a major change in their working methods," Sander Westland continues. "Then you shouldn't come up with something very complicated, because then everyone will drop out before the start.
The choice for Autodesk Revit was quickly made, because the majority of customers work with it. In the end, we chose Cadac as our partner for the technical implementation. A no-nonsense company with a practical attitude. They don't promise you golden mountains and opt for a well-considered approach. BIM must provide demonstrable added value and be practically usable. Goals must be understandable and achievable. For almost a year we filled the library step by step with the people of Jongeneel. Everything was ready in January and we could go live."
"The system is widely and internationally deployable and prepared for the ETIM classification standard. "
Tjeerd Smilde, senior account manager at Cadac, is pleased with Jongeneel, which was the first wholesaler to install the Content Library Access Button . "We have developed this plug-in for all parties in the construction industry. The system can be used widely and internationally and is prepared for the ETIM classification standard. The plugin works with all Revit versions and is a cost-effective alternative to websites and product libraries. Product information is always up-to-date and available in real time."
Companies can share their data via CLAB . "Several installers are already working with it, and with success. In principle, this is the basis of BIM: making data available so that architects, modellers and structural engineers can digitally design an entire building until every detail is right. This should ultimately lead to faster and more efficient construction with as few failure costs as possible."
It doesn't seem that complicated, ordering wood and sheet material when building or renovating. "Make no mistake," says Hedy van Opzeeland. "Suppose an architect draws a solid wooden beam of eight meters while the longest size is six meters. So if the contractor orders it from us, there will be a problem. It is the same with other specifications such as quality marks, fire resistance, hardness, and so on. The more everything is right, the less work there is on the construction site.
And we like to go one step further. We have our own workshops where we can make sheet material and wood exactly to size. For example, the contractor does not order the two hundred square metres of Trespa and starts sawing himself, but we deliver the pieces, exactly to size. We advise, add value, construction can speed up and there is little chance of errors."
Sander Westland is a convinced advocate of BIM, but knows that there is still a long way to go. "More and more large companies see the need and are investing in digitisation; architectural firms, contractors and installers. Housing corporations are also making the move. They are facing a major renovation task and investments in the context of the energy transition. BIM is not only for new construction, but also for renovation and maintenance.
Suppose you have to renovate 500 bathrooms in a rented neighbourhood, then prefab based on a digital design can be very useful. Awareness is growing, but it is more difficult for smaller suppliers and that also applies to the self-employed who now occupy an important position in the construction sector. The point is that ultimately every party shares relevant data and everyone is able to read and use it. BIM is an excellent means of bundling the data in an unambiguous way for use in the chain, also suitable for management and maintenance."
BIMpartners assists companies and organisations in the implementation of BIM. Part of the implementation is providing training and courses to all layers within the organisation. "In addition to the technical side, we also explain the basic principles of BIM. Very important, we want to take people into the story. BIM is new, for change you have to create support. The soft side of the process is at least as important as the hard technique"
Hedy van Opzeeland nods. "I totally agree. Together with BIMpartners, we took the time to make our account managers enthusiastic. Ultimately, they have to convince the customers. From the first stream of positive reactions, I conclude that this is working. BIM is an issue at Jongeneel company-wide and that is a win. Ultimately, we will improve our own logistics and contribute to chain integration. And fewer failure costs that really benefit everyone."
For Cadac, too, the Autodesk Revit library is part of a larger whole. "Grouping data and making it accessible is one aspect of BIM," concludes Tjeerd Smilde. "It is the basis for prefab, serial and standard construction. Of course with certain accents, that is up to the industry itself. We can set up the complete design model including all the desired information. Ultimately, that is the future."