
PDM Consultant
Vianen, Netherlands
PDM Consultant; VaultProfessional Specialist
As PDM Consultant I am responsible for the implementation of VaultProfessional at customers. This starts with an analysis of the product development process. Then I install and configure the software. Last but not least I train and support the end users.
When configuring VaultProfessional the complete product development process must be heeded. A simple example. The way ContentCentre is configured impacts the quality of the VaultProfessional - ERP integration.
Langues :
As PDM consultant responsible for implementing VaultProfessional at customers. Currently spending a lot of time migrating customers from ProductStream Professional Pro to VaultProfessional
Supported and trained engineers how to use Primes. Primes is an Airbus specific derivative of PTC Windchill. Tested Primes updates. Wrote user manuals.
Did many things. Startet implementing robotsimulation software. Then implementing CAM-software including programming NC-postprocessors. After that implemented PDM-software. The software used was CoCreate-WorkManager (now part of PTC)
As Project Engineer involved in many projects for customers. As an example Vredestein tyre manufacturer and Huhtamaki paper manufacturer.
Studies mechanical engineering at the internal transportation department. Specialised in the handling of bulk solids. This means the behaviour of powders and grains in silos