Stay abreast of digitalisation with BIM training
Regardless of whether you are an architect, a building manager or a supplier in construction, BIM is inescapably present in your sector. That's good! Because Building Information Modelling brings enormous advantages.
To take advantage of this, you need more than just BIM software. In order to work efficiently in BIM, it is essential that you use your software tools optimally. Participating in BIM trainings is the best way to learn how to do this.
Cadac has been studying the digitalisation of the construction sector for more than 30 years
Therefore, many organisations rely on Cadac as their BIM knowledge partner. Our experienced consultants follow the latest developments closely and they will gladly translate them into a training course for you.
If you are new to BIM or want to learn about more advanced applications for your specific field of expertise, discover Cadac's range of BIM training courses!
Don't just rely on software, but reap the benefits of BIM knowledge as well
Cadac is a well-known name in the construction industry, not only as a software supplier but principally as a digital leader in the field of BIM. BIM is a complex process and comprises more than just a software package. We act as a loyal BIM knowledge partner for our clients, such as Hilti, BAM and Coen Hagedoorn. We offer you the necessary courses to ensure you get the most out of BIM.
Our training courses are aimed at all partners in the construction chain, regardless of whether you are an architect, a building manager, consultant, contractor, manufacturer, supplier or an installer. As a member of the construction chain, you must participate in BIM. Building Information Modelling is increasingly becoming the standard and it is now often a requirement when securing new contracts.
Contact us for more information
The benefits of Cadac Group's BIM training courses
A combination of theory and practical work
During the training, we link to the practical situation by using examples, cases and exercises.
Training courses tailored to you
The training is tailored to your company's specific situation. We will discuss together how to achieve your goals most effectively.
Experienced specialists
Learn from real professionals. Not only do they closely follow the latest developments, but they also innovate alongside them. They will gladly share their knowledge with you!
Generate the best results with BIM
Cadac offers you everything you need to optimise your BIM process. Generate the best results with our software, services, trainings and experts.