What is this whitepaper about?
We share the success story of WEIR Minerals, which doubled production thanks to CPQ implementation. Before embarking on a CPQ project, it is crucial to evaluate whether your organisation is ready. A list of questions will help you do this.
CPQ implementation
Implementing CPQ software requires careful planning. This includes team engagement, leadership support and task allocation. Preparing the necessary documentation is an essential step in preparation.
The implementation phase includes five steps: setting up the environment, configuring the back-end and front-end of the configurator, setting up document output and configuring visual output.
Future-proof CPQ strategy
To achieve success, you need to create a forward-looking strategy, train all the teams involved and maintain board and management involvement. Monitoring and optimising CPQ implementation is also important.
This whitepaper provides valuable insights for anyone considering CPQ software implementation and highlights the benefits of CPQ for business growth and efficiency. Please contact us for further information.