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Wiltz, Luxembourg


I have worked on complex projects and design + Large scale in different parts with several clients. SKILLS : * Register at OAI all stages of design process; * Experienced modeling using Revit-Dynamo-Rhinoceros-Grasshopper, Renders Lumion - 3ds max+Vray

* Bim management + Analysis with Navisworks; Multidisciplinary coordination and clash detection of federated models; * Experienced in post production for competitions + Presentations; * Good understanding and problem solving

Languages :



3D modelling
Autodesk Dynamo
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk 3ds Max
Virtual Reality (VR)
Autodesk AutoCAD
3D design
Autodesk BIM 360 Design
Autodesk BIM 360
Autodesk BIM 360 Docs
Autodesk Configurator 360
3D modelling
Autodesk BIM 360 Build
Autodesk Navisworks
Autodesk Maya


Architect juin 2020 - juin 2021 (1 year)

Architecture - BIM• Conception Residential/Commercial - Public/Private. • Development BIM Process - AEC workflows

Architecture - BIM
SYNERGIE ARCHITECTURE juin 2020 - juin 2021 (1 year)

Architecture - BIM• Conception Residential/Commercial - Public/Private. • Development BIM Process - AEC workflows

Architecture - BIM - Concept
SIDESHORE Architecture & Urbanism mars 2017 - juin 2020 (3 years 2 months)

• Conception & Coordinaiton Residential 9.000 sqm/Commercial - Public/Private. • Design development/Construction document. • kfas competition in Kuwait ( 60ha ).

ARCHITECTURE FARDIN sept. 2016 - mars 2017 (6 months)

• revit modeling projects housing / Shopping center.• Rendering and post production with 3ds max. • Involving in competition of the new city Yennenga Burkina.

Architecture - Conception
ARCHINOVA (TG) juil. 2015 - juil. 2016 (1 year)

• Design phase for banks headquarter 6400 sqm and 7700 sqm. • Design concept of an hotel and a hospital in the same parcel 20.000 sqm. • 3D modeling and rendering of porjects using 3ds max + vray.

Book Karibaye
155,00 € per hour (exl. VAT)
Remote or on location
Work location
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