What is this white paper about?
In this white paper, we talk about how BIM can contribute to more efficient management of real estate and facilities throughout the entire lifecycle of a building. We will discuss the benefits of BIM, its practical applications and how it helps organisations to optimise maintenance, energy management and resource planning.
Traditionally, FM activities have often been reactive and based on fragmented information. BIM changes this with a central digital representation of the building, including details about systems and components. This enables proactive maintenance and accurate management. In addition, BIM offers integration with technologies such as IoT, which supports real-time monitoring and more efficient processes.
Practical example: BIM in the Dutch government
An illustrative example of the successful application of BIM for Facility Management can be found at the central government. During a recent round table, organised by Cadac Group in collaboration with the national government, the use of 3D BIM models to optimise cleaning processes was discussed. By integrating detailed 3D models, cleaning routes could be planned more efficiently, resulting in both time savings and cost reduction. This approach has led to increased efficiency and effectiveness in the maintenance and management of government buildings. The central government considers this a best practice and is considering using BIM more widely within various facets of facility management.